Monday 19 October 2009

A taste of the good stuff!

Today's Sun covers the story of the young Liverpool footy fan who threw his inflatable beach ball onto the pitch during Saturday's game.
We had been discussing the legal actions that could be taken if this boy could be identified, as he could be the target of abuse etc. but luckily his face is pixelated in the picture featured in the 'Goals' pull-out.
However, I noticed shortly after, that on page 15 of the news the Sun have used the same picture without pixelating the boys face. We thought this was interesting and our lecturer suggested that we persue this by contacting the Guardian.
A fellow student phoned up the news desk and was given an email address, to which he emailed the information about the Sun to and a few hours later he had received a reply and a £30 tip fee.
Real-life journalism in action and all it took was a flick through the Sun.

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