Julie and Julia is a charmingly refreshing film unlike any other. Based on two true stories, it is simply brilliant.
The 'feel-good' factor throughout is realistic and tastful, and the acting is inspired.
Both, Meryl Streep (Julia Childs) and Amy Adams (Julie Powell) give wonderful and emotive performances, really capturing something special in each character. Adams' performance is well beyond expectation when considering her recent role in Disney's Enchanted, she does not just play a role but truly becomes Julie Powell.
A downside however, is the film's length. A little too long for the those not-so-comfy cinema seats. Despite this, one has to take into account the brilliance of producing a film entailing two women's inspirational and heart-felt journeys; out of the fairly boring topic of cooking.
It is no secret that this film has made an impact. It is the character of Julie Powell who inspired me to start this blog and with a little help from google, I found Powell's own blog which I hope will give me further inspiration in the future.
Julie and Julia is a MUST see!
Check out the trailor @ http://www.julieandjulia.com/
Jeremy Webb - Editor in Chief New Scientist
14 years ago